Need a reason to join a gym?

Aro: I need to go back and join a gym.
Me: You? Gym!?!
Aro: Yeahhh... I need to...
Me: Why???
Aro: I have to buy new trousers otherwise. The neighborhood gym is offering two months package at Rs. 500/- If I buy trousers, they will cost me more... so that's why I am joining a gym!
Me: Makes sense.

Part of the conversation between Aro and me, when he was in town recently. One evening full of non-sense conversations like the one above makes me believe my last post.

P.S: If I know Aro, he has either not joined the Gym or has already quit. Make hay, trouser makers!


RB said...

FB says he missed the first day at the gym.

SS said...


Aro said...

i need different set of friends

~ ॐ ~ said...

Aro is the best customer for Gyms! He gets himself registered.. goes for two days, and pays for two months! :)


Kanchan said...

Ha..ha..I found the conversation quite sensible actually... :)

Jas B said...

A perfect example of cost effectiveness, Aro!
However if we aren't going to go thru with the gym, Aro, the best thing, according to me, to do would be to just go ahead and buy that trouser! :D Retail therapy has its own benefits, don't you think so. And save on that gym money! :D
I am just saying, don't know whether that is the greatest advice. Lol!

SS said...

I second Jas :)
Aro, aap trouser hi khareed lo :)

Subhadip said...

@RB / Om
Thanks for the support :)

What sense?

@Swati / Jas
This is my blog... you are supposed to support me! I need to enable "Comment Moderation"!

aro said...

Pete...tu to samjhta tha ek samay

Rhapsody \ Jas...hope...I have to get back to the trousers...i owe it to my purse

Shubho... jal jayega..and threat to stop free low will you stoop

Kanchan.. thanks a lot